ヨーロッパキャンプ 2nd day

練習は午後からスタート、Siofok Tennis Clubはヨーロッパで1番大きな湖のバラトン湖のすぐそばにある小さなテニスクラブだ。レッドクレーコートはイレギュラーバウンドが当然のようにあるのでエラーが多く見られた。強く打つ事を優先しているとついボールから目が早く離れてしまいボールが甘くなりエラーが出てしまう。日本の人工芝やハードではイレギュラーがないのでこれもまた良い訓練になる。

After long hours of sleep we had a big breakfast in the apartment. In Japan kids finished their practice late and had to wake up to go to school early so that they usually did not have time to eat good meals.
Siofok Tennis Club is our base to practice in Hungary. It is located by Balaton Lake which was one of the biggest Lake in Europe. We practiced on the red clay courts. On the red clay there were many bad bounces which we did not have in Japan on the hard courts or sand grass courts. It gave us extra object to work on!
It was a sunny hot day. The temperature went up to 29C. Kids got a little bit tired in the end of the day but everybody did well. We finished our work out with the fitness and 20 minutes running.


