
白子でのTEAM YONEZAWA キャンプ、台湾ITF、岡山のRSK13歳以下全国選抜、大阪スーパージュニア、名古屋のジャパンオープンジュニアまた大阪で全日本選手権そして福岡での15歳以下全国選抜中牟田杯と違うカテゴリーの選手達のサポート、最後に日本と香港の対抗戦で駆け巡り秋が終わった。

香港ではスポンサーの日清食品様、香港テニス協会様、Kids Tennis様など関係者の方々に大変お世話になりました。この場をお借りして厚く御礼申し上げます。ありがとうございました。



It went so fast this autumn season for me. I had almost every day matches to take care.

It was an honor to be invited to Nissin Foods Hong Kong Japan Team matches 2018. The best players of 12s and 14s from Hong Kong and Japan played so many matches against each other in Hong Kong. It was such a great opportunity for the players playing a lot of matches to gain their experiences. I enjoyed very much watching the matches.

Thanks very much to Mr.Ando, Mr.Kikunaga of Nissin Foods Hong Kong for the great sponsorships. I really hope this event will continue for many more years.

And also thanks very much to Matsushima san ,Kids Cup staff, Kato san and Hong Kong Tennis Association for running a great event for the players.

Now I am on my way to Florida for Eddie Herr and Jr.Orange Bowl. It is the starting of the winter season!!

